Hanze University

System Innovation Management, Hanze UAS

The specialization System Innovation Management focuses on developing and exploring viable innovative business cases for the optimization and/or realization of complex (renewable) energy systems, which can include for instance; power to gas, factory optimization, hydrogen powered neighborhoods etc. Within these complex systems an integral and multidisciplinary approach on designing and developing a business ecosystem is key; as the development and introduction of such innovative systems is a so called ‘wicked problem’. The only way to tackle wicked problems is an integral approach.

PESTEL is the framework we use for this process and you will learn how to model and optimize multiple PESTEL factors in order to increase viability of the system. Therefore, this specialization focusses on the elements which come together in the PESTEL framework (see figure 1). You will learn how to design, develop and manage the process of innovation needed for successfully developing and exploring viable innovative business cases for complex (renewable) energy systems.

Figure 1: Elements in the PESTEL framework (source)

 Practical Information

Teaching methods

Supportive modules will contribute to the development of a business ecosystem and linked business case based on cases selected by the students and teachers. Within these cases the elements of PESTEL will need to be assessed in order to write realistic and viable business cases (see figure 1), together with the required skills to manage the multidisciplinary process of working in a project group on a wicked problem. This approach is structured in, amongst others, the following modules:

  1. Technology/Environmental: System Models & Analysis. In this module the intermittent behavior of energy systems with renewables are modelled and analyzed. Deterministic and stochastic models are distinguished.
  2. Technology/Environmental: Energy Infrastructures and Renewables. The module has a strong focus on innovative technology developments, g. power-to-hydrogen, large-scale implementation of renewables in the energy system, and the importance of smart grids.
  3. Social/Political: System Innovation Processes. In this module, innovation processes are used to analyses, develop, test, and evaluate radically new energy related systems. The spectrum from societal development to new product-market combinations is covered.
  4. Legal/Economics: Sustainable System Economics & Law. The aim of this module is to be able to asses the impact of legal and economic factors on potential business cases and how business cases can benefit from legal and economic frameworks.
  5. Research Energy System: Starting with an idea for the implementation of renewable energy in a given context, in this module a strategic plan is developed to realize this idea. The problem is considered from multiple viewpoints. As such, the knowledge of all previous modules will be combined here.
  6. PESTEL Business ecosystem: Energy Business Plan Development. This module is a continuation of Applied Research Energy System and focuses on the development of business eco-systems. The strategic plan will be translated to executable plans, making clear what new business will look like on the short term.

The modules are supported by several excursions to innovative projects/companies, e.g. Audi E-gas in Werlte (Germany). More detailed module descriptions can be found in the specialization semester syllabus.

Energy Certificate: students are offered the possibility to gain an Energy Certificate by attending learning activities at the Energy Academy in Groningen.

Career perspectives

Organisations that will benefit from this EUREC specialisation and thus may act as future employers are:

  • Energy companies
  • Project developers in solar and wind
  • Consultancy companies, and institutes specialised in R&D related to these companies
  • Governments and advising bodies, dealing with regulatory affairs, policy making and proposal evaluation here
Research Activities
The Energy Transition Centre (EnTranCe) of Hanze UAS is the hotspot of applied sciences for businesses and innovations in Groningen. It has the facilities, technologies and the best possible network to develop plans into the energy products and services the energy market demands. Businesses and institutions have access to state-of-the-art equipment as well as the technical expertise of EnTranCe’s pioneers. At EnTranCe, students have the opportunity to work on innovations in the energy sector together with private sector experts. Students can learn from participating companies, other researchers and fellow students. Students gain research experience, while simultaneously working on their professional network. The best thing about EnTranCe: it is based on open innovation, allowing stakeholders to support each other. Some major projects running recently can be found on www.en-tran-ce.org/en/.

Hanze UAS is located in Groningen, a lively student city in the north east of the Netherlands, 40 kilometers from the German border and ca 180 kilometers from Amsterdam. Of its 190.000 inhabitants almost 25% are students. Hanze UAS is well-known for its international education at both BSC and Master level. It offers all the relevant facilities for students from abroad. Hanze UAS has 25,000 students of which 1,655 are from abroad. There is a lively international community at Hanze UAS. Check this website for more practical information on the city of Groningen.
Admission requirements and tuition fees
For information about admission requirements and tuition fees for the EUREC programme at the Hanze University of Applies Sciences visit this page or contact the Enrolment Officer (T: 0031 50 595 4567, E: mastereurec@org.hanze.nl)
Visa, insurance and other practical matters
As a prospective international student you are on the doorstep of a great adventure: studying and living in the Netherlands. Although this is an amazing experience, it can be quite difficult finding your way through the rules and regulations, from applying for a study programme until your journey to the Netherlands. The International Service Desk (ISD) will assist you from start to finish. They can help you with practical matters, such as obtaining a visa and getting the right health insurance.
WARNING: non-EU applicants must follow the requirements of the International Service Desk for visa procedures. Hanze UAS has to prove to the IND that you can pay the tuition fee and that you have sufficient funds to live off before an immigration procedure is started. In order to prove this we ask our future students to transfer both the living costs as well as the tuition fee. Please find more information about the financial guarantee on this website.
International Service Desk
Phone number: +31 (0)50 595 7800
Website: hanzeuniversity.eu/isd
Finding a room in Groningen may prove hard if you start too late. So if you want to be sure you get a room that suits your wishes, we advise you to start as soon as possible. Our advice is to start at least 3 months before you come to Groningen. For accommodation related questions, visit this website.
Contact details
For more information about the programme at Hanze UAS in Groningen (the Netherlands), please check the website or contact the Enrolment Officer
T: 0031 50 595 4567